Monday, December 27, 2010

What does Jesus want us to do for the Sawi?

I think that Jesus wants us to not judge, despise, loathe the Sawi but rather to give them a second chance as he did for us so that we could rejoice with him forever in Heaven. Jesus would not dwell on the past performances of the Sawi but instead be joyful in the fact that they have turned to him. The Sawi are like the outcasts of society they are new to the experiences and challenges: they won’t always succeed in trying to fit in but it is our responsibility as brothers and sisters of Christ, we keep them on the right path. We don’t ridicule their mistakes instead we nurture and help them. As we have been given as second chance they too deserve to have a second chance because through Jesus we can do all things. We too have the chance to change the world for the better just like Jesus did.


  1. Wow, your blog post really made me think because it never occurred to me that Jesus wants us to not judge the Sawi. I automatically thought that Jesus wanted us to introduce Himself to the Sawi and help the Sawi become part of His eternal family.
    I do think that you made a good point though. As Christians, we should love everybody, even those who do horrible things. I love how you wrote that since we have received a second chance, we should give the Sawi a second chance too. It wouldn't be right for us to loathe and think ourselves to be superior than the Sawi when God loves us who are imperfect and so much less than Him.
    Your blog post really opened my eyes. Good job!

  2. Great ideas, ladies. It is the hardest thing for people to avoid criticising others.Jesus loves ... so must we!
